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Three Crosses


WELCOME to Westdale Park Church

Westdale Park Church is located in Napanee and is a member of the Free Methodist Church in Canada.


Infused with
God's Love,
Love God
Love Others
Serve the World


Tickets can be purchased by E-Transfer to events@westdaleparkchurch.ca  or by stopping into the office between 10-2 on Mondays to Thursdays.

 ***Please note your email address or phone number on the e-transfer so that we can get the tickets to you.***



Recent News
Meeting every Tuesday at 6:00 p.m., children (ages 5-12) are welcome to be part of Super Kids' Club. Come join us for a high energy, fun-filled ...Full Story
Tuesday, November 28
Sunday Services
We welcome you to join us each week for service at 10:00 am.  This could be done in person or online via Zoom.  For more information, or to get ...Full Story
Wednesday, November 18